August Blog Post
Atlanta Magazine brings us an updated list of Atlanta's best pop-ups and food trucks
Start thinking out of the restaurant box. Some of the most exciting food you can find in Atlanta today is served from a borrowed kitchen or food truck.
Jay Wolfe started Thicc Burgers (pictured above) as a pop-up shop in Los Angelous during the pandemic and brought it to Atlanta when he moved here. The OG Thicc Burger is "the flagship product, with cheese, caramelized onions, Thicc sauce, and the usual fixings" and, Wolfe says, “tastes exactly like the burgers I grew up eating at California mom-and-pops."
From a "greenhouse eatery" called Nourish Botanica to the "Vietnamese comfort food" of Ba + Me to the "exquisitely flavored, beautifully wrought pastries" of Choux Maker, Atlanta Magazine has the skinny on these and many more eclectic dining places on the move. Check out the article for more information
Storytime: one woman's journey to become an entrepreneur
Ebonn Twilley, mom of a four-year-old daughter, purchased an 85-year-old cottage in Columbia, South Carolina for $41,000.
Twilley spent two years renovating the small home and decorated it using her love of thrifty to find used doors on Craigslist and turn a $75 dresser into kitchen cabinets.
The project made $1,400 in its first month on Airbnb, and Twilley is quitting her job to run it full-time.
Check out the entire story here:
Both Mary Beth and Christina at Apothika have stories about being successful at making savvy real estate investments.
Mary Beth owns a duplex in Edgewood and the two units gross $5-$7000 per month on Airbnb.
Christina owns a condo in Gulf Shores that is both profitable and allows her and her family a vacation retreat whenever they want.
Mary Beth and Christina also own long-term rental properties, so they have a great deal of well-rounded, first-hand knowledge to share.
Interested in purchasing real estate for passive income or have questions about getting started? Call or email Mary Beth or Christina or head to their website at
What does it mean to have equity in your home?
Very simply, high equity means better profits for sellers, and homeowners who stay put will continue to build wealth.
According to the latest home equity report from ATTOM "49% of mortgaged residential properties in the U.S. were considered equity rich, meaning that borrowers owed 50% or less of the value of their home. That's the highest level in at least four years, topping even the early-pandemic days when home prices were surging."
For example, our clients, a young couple with two children, bought a home in Kennesaw in 2019 for $282,000 and put down only 3.5% of the loan value. Today, they owe about $261,000, but the value of their home is close to $415,000 which brings them very close to being one of these 49%-ers in four short years. They have about $161,000 of net equity in their home.
If you would like us to help you discover the amount of equity in your home and talk about the possibilities of where to go from there, feel free to email us at or go to our website at